time management tips


Last updated on January 7th, 2024 at 07:40 pm

Are you browsing for time management tips for work from home moms? Are you a work from home mom like me?

Do you struggle with time management sometimes like some of us do? Do you sometimes feel you are on a downward spiral?

I admit to browsing pages of blogs and pins for tips for working from home moms.

It ends up as just browsing and scrolling through pictures and being left in awe at how other moms do it.

Occasionally a few people ask me how I do it, how I work from home and still manage to do the housework.

Well, I am not an expert on the subject and life and work situation still drive me bonkers.

Not easy is the answer and it takes discipline to sit at a corner, work and blank off the cobweb waving at me.

Work from home mom

I have been working from home for nearly a decade now.

Wow that is a long time! It was not forced on me to work from home.

I used to have an 8 to 5 job then I found out I was pregnant. I stopped because we tried to move home which did not turn as we wanted it to be.

Fortunately, I started to work from home part time before I had my child so that helped with the transition to work from home full time.

Managing at home as a solo parent/work from home mom

My husband is away for three weeks for work this month, thanks to less travel restrictions.

That means I am alone at home with my daughter for the said period of time and things sometimes drive me crazy.

With the opening up after Covid my husband will certainly travel more which is good with all the crunch we are facing.

Me and my daughter would be physically at home and Daddy would be on Skype or calls with us for sure which will and helps a lot.

Do not be fooled though as I will do most of the household work plus work full time from home.

We do manage, we have done this before!


Dear daughter goes to school 5 days a week so we do the usual morning and afternoon routines.

Then comes the weekend when after doing homework she has a little time at home.

I work 7 days a week if needed which I am grateful for where time management comes in.

Although it is only a few weeks here and there that I am a solo parent at home I struggle from being the only adult to manage the house and work too.

My husband gives his 110% when he is around which is truly appreciated. We miss him too.

The tips listed below are not only when or if we are solo moms but also when we have our partners around.

10 Tips for Work From Home Moms (Time management)

Morning routine

Try to wake up early at the same time every day to have extra 5 minutes to get ready.

Even pouring water to the kettle while alone in the kitchen is peaceful.

But you get the idea, get up and start the day (with a smile).

Take a break to do housework

An hour break everyday to load the washing machine, tidy up as much as I can, take the bins out, change the sheets.

Those small things done everyday becomes helpful. It means i do not need to do a big job at the end of the week or day.

Even 15 minute breaks to make the beds or fold the clean clothes give me a chance to sit down with my daughter.

Get outside

Go for a walk, talk to humans, do some gardening.

My interaction most days would be a quick hello at the school gates or a chat about the weather with the woman behind the till but that still works.

Whatever the weather my husband drags me out of the house to go for a walk which blow away the cobwebs.

I am not the only one who talks to her plants I hope but that too makes me feel human.

Keep a notepad nearby

This is a lifesaver as it can keep a to-do list, priorities for the day or scribble a meal plan.

When we are busy we need some sort of direction or something to write on before we forget about it.


Try to have a good night sleep every night if you can as it helps keep mums sane.

I have walked around like a zombie and it does not help anyone around me.

Do you feel like one at times?

Ask for help

I ask for my daughter’s help who is perfectly capable of helping around the house.

She voluntarily cooks sometimes or when asked she whips up a meal.

I ask for my husband’s help when he is around to cook or take the bins out too.

I am not a super mum I need a hand or two.

Me time

Either go for a swim or do any form of exercise to get away from the desk.

Have a cup of tea or whatever you fancy just puts things back into perspective.

Swimming or any exercise makes me forget the aches and pains (literal and figurative ones) which is a bonus.

Family time

Turn cooking no matter how short the meal preparation time is to involve children in them.

We go for walks or a scoot around the block counts as spending time together too.

Have days off

To work 7 days a week is necessary at times but a day off does not hurt.

A short break is enervating!


Sports gala was on the plate this weekend which meant half of the day we were out.

My daughter had a great time and I had one too.

Life throws little surprises like a meltdown after the cat walked past without a cuddle.

Some days do not go according to plan but it does not mean that it is the end of the world.

I can catch up with work while my daughter has some screen time or while she reads before bed.


Those are my realistic 10 time management tips for work at home moms.

They are points I can think of when I sat down to write about working from home and how I manage time to keep me sane.

Yes, they work for me but they do not work for everyone.

More mums out there I am sure who are working from home have more tips for us all.

Why not try some easy Filipino recipes or read about them while you decide when you have a minute?

Please tell me on the comments below if you have any tips on time management for mothers working from home.

I would like to know about them and try to incorporate them in my ever changing life.

Someone might read our tips and find them helpful too.

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